Universidade de Luanda
Universidade de Luanda
University education
Address: Rua Direita da Sapú - Talatona, Luanda - Angola
Phone: 940 112 732
Email: [email protected]
The University of Luanda (UniLuanda) was created by Presidential Decree no. 285/20, of October 29, as an institution of a public nature, framed as a Public Institute with its own autonomy and management, under the terms of its Organic Statute, approved by Presidential Decree no. 281/21, of December 1.
In accordance with article 16 of Presidential Decree no. 285/20, of 29 October, which reorganizes Angola's Network of Public Higher Education Institutions, with the creation of the University of Luanda, five autonomous Higher Institutes were extinguished, four of which are public entities, namely: Instituto Superior de Artes (ISART), Instituto Superior de Serviço Social (ISSS) and Instituto de Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação (ISUTIC) and the Instituto Superior de Relações Internacionais (ISRI); and one public-private entity, the Instituto Superior de Gestão, Logística e Transportes (ISGEST).
The creation process of each extinct institute can be briefly described here.
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